

Adds a click listener to an element to set aframe-extras/mesh-mixer on a model

<a-entity mixer-control="model: #model; clip: walkcycle"></a-entity>
property type default usage
model selector null the model to set animations for
clip string * which clip to play on click


Creates two lambert materials and blends them based on an alpha derived from a canvas


extracts sub-objects from models and attaches them to entities

<a-entity id="gltf" gltf-model="assets/my-model.glb"></a-entity>
<a-entity split-mesh="model: #gltf; name: subModel; map: mesh"></a-entity>
property type default usage
model selector null the model to split up
name string null the name of the sub-object, typically named in a 3d software like Blender
map string 'mesh' optional - the name in <a-entity>.object3DMap


requires camera component. renders view from another camera in scene to a texture

<a-entity id="cctv" camera="fov: 120; active: false;" spectator="screen: #tv; fps: 25;"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="tv" geometry="primitive: plane;"></a-entity>
property type default usage
screen selector null the entity to apply the screen to
fps number 30.00 the refresh rate of the screen texture. Increasing this number impacts performance


a very simple collision detection system

<a-entity id='cube' aabb="
    moves: true;
    enabled: true;
    autoRefresh: true;
    bounds: proxy;
    interval: 40;
    belongsTo: group1, group 3;
    collidesWith: group2;
    predict: true
property type default usage
enabled boolean true whether the object is considered for collision by other objects
autoRefresh boolean true when object is moving, collision boundary is also updated
size vec3 0.25 0.25 0.25 When bounds is 'box' or 'subproxy', sets the dimensions of the object in meters width x height x depth
bounds string proxy how the shape of the AABB is computed. supports box,mesh, proxy and subproxy
offset vec3 0 0 0 move the aabb collider relative to local position
interval number 20 Number of miliseconds between collision checks. Low numbers are allow more accurate collision, higher numbers are more performant.
belongsTo array none The groups to which this AABB belongs.
collidesWith array none A list of groups to check for collision against.
predict boolean true Test for collisions a frame ahead for more precise collision detection.