Extras Collection

A collection of miscellaneous components with varying degrees of usefulness.


Creates a flat 2D rectangle with rounded corners. The appearance can be modified with A-Frame 'material' component.


<a-entity rounded="radius: 0.05; width: 1; height: 2;" material="color: blue;"></a-entity>


Property Property Type Default Value Description
radius number 0.0125 The radius of the rounded corners in meters. Note: this is in addition to the width & height.
width number 1 The width of the rectangle.
height number 1 The height of the rectangle.


Restricts the movement of an object to a volume specified by minimum and maximum values in world space; Objects with the clamp component cannot move beyond the limits defined by the min and max values.


<a-entity position="0 1 -1" clamp="min: -2 -4 -1; max: 2 5 3"></a-entity>


Property Property Type Default Value Description
min Vector3 {x:-1,y:-1,z:-1} The minimum allowed world position by axis.
max Vector3 {x:1,y:1,z:1} The maximum allowed world position by axis.


Aligns the Z-axis of an entity to always face towards a specified entity;


<a-entity id="foo" ></a-entity>
<a-entity billboard="src: #foo;"></a-entity>


Property Property Type Default Value Description
src selector null Selector of the entity that the billboard should face towards.